
Traverse la forêt, monte l'échelle et touche le ciel_ Romance (Cross the forest, climb the ladder and touch the sky_ Romance) is a project in which each spectator imagines and projects himself into the story: space and bodies are repeated and transformed at the same time by accumulation and variation, adding new elements to each repetition. Abstraction verges on narration, tension dances with playfulness. In this piece, Lorena pursues the theme she has been developing for several years of making the invisible visible, but this time with a young audience in mind. It will be a duo of dancers accompanied by the visual universe of visual artist Cécile Meynier. The themes addressed in this show are to question the notion of the familiar and the foreign, of repetition and the unexpected. For this, she will draw freely on the book Romance by Blexbolex, which struck her with its space and freedom for the reader to imagine, read and compose the story between the pages and images, associating a word with each image.

A play for young audiences 
For the pleasure of repetition
For the pleasure of movement
Of transformation
A fantastic journey 
Of inversion
Of the invisible
For the beauty of form
For the surprise of accident
To soothe our fears
To invent what lies between images
To compose with the body and the environment
freely adapted from the book Romance by Blexbolex published by Albin Michel
Concept, design and choreography Lorena Dozio
Performance - Lorena Dozio, Daphne Koutsafti
Costumes and set design Cécile Meynier
Music and sound design KingQ4
Lighting Séverine Rième
Technical director Cedric Nugier
Location Manager Kerem Gelebek
Production and admininstration Anna Ladeira et Sergio Chianca
production Association CRILE
Coproduction: Scène Nationale 2Scènes - Besançon, Festival Maggiolino - Lugano, Théâtre de l'Oriental - Vevey
In residence: Association NA/compagnie Pernette_ BesançonLaboratoires d'Aubervilliers, Klap - Marseille
Support and artistic actions: Festival Playground/Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques Seine St- Denis ; Ville de Bobigny; Centre Social Marcel Cachin - Romainville; Isadora Piattaforma Danza -Lugano